Vitamin C 24-Hour

Sustained Vitamin C Blood Levels

A patented delivery system elevates vitamin C more than unformulated vitamin C, maintaining higher blood levels over an extended period.

Absorbing More Vitamin C, Sustained Vitamin C Blood Levels, Defense Against Infections, More Efficient, Longer-Lasting Vitamin C, Summary, References.

A Longer-Lasting Vitamin C

A new liposomal hydrogel formula increased vitamin C blood levels nearly seven times greater than regular vitamin C and kept them higher far longer.

Limitations of Unformulated Vitamin C, A Longer-Lasting Vitamin C, Maximizing the Benefits of Vitamin C, The Importance of High-Dose Vitamin C, Summary, References.

Misconceptions About Vitamin C

Vitamin C is only partially absorbed at doses above 200 mg and is then rapidly used up. A liposomal “hydrogel” formula elevates vitamin C blood levels 6.8 times more and provides 24-hour protection with one daily dose.

Higher Doses Only Partially Work, Most Animals Make Their Own Vitamin C—But Humans Don’t!, What are Optimal Vitamin C Doses?, Vitamin C Holds Our Body Together, Modern Day Research Mistakes, A Practical Solution, Look Forward to Future Research Findings, References.

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