Vitamin B Complex

B Vitamins: More Vital Than Previously Believed

B vitamins provide systemic benefits including DNA repair, neurotransmitter synthesis, healthy methylation and reduced homocysteine.

Vitamin B1 and the Brain, Skin Benefits of Boosting NAD+, Vitamin B6 and Parkinson’s Disease, The B Vitamin that Became a Drug, B Vitamins Play Crucial Roles in the Body, Folate Can Reverse Epigenetic Aging, Decreasing Macular Degeneration Risk, Protection Against Surgery-Induced Delirium, Summary, References.

Why People Supplement with B Vitamins

B vitamins help guard against cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disorders, and vision loss. Because B vitamins are water-soluble and poorly absorbed by aging adults, daily supplementation is often critical.

Cardiovascular Disease, Brain Shrinkage, Depression, Neurodegenerative Disorders, UV-Induced Skin Damage, Vision Loss, Who Is at Risk?, Older adults, Those Who Take Certain Medications, Pregnant or Breastfeeding Women, Patients with Certain Medical Conditions, Vegetarians and Vegans, Those Who Consume Alcohol, Summary, References.

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