Thermo Weight Control

How Capsaicin Burns Body Fat

A compound in red chili peppers called capsaicin increases calorie burning. A clinical trial showed reduced body mass after just 28 days.

Why Diets Stop Working, Augment A Weight Loss Plan, Activating Beneficial Brown Fat, Capsaicin’s Fat-Reducing Mechanism, Protection Against Stomach Irritation, Boost Your Weight Loss Plan, Clinical Validation, Other Benefits, Summary, References.

Worldwide Obesity Crisis

Obesity prevalence has tripled across the globe since 1975. Capsaicin, found in red chili peppers, increases calorie burning. A new method protects against stomach irritation and improves capsaicin bioavailability to promote weight loss.

Rational Use of Metabolism-Enhancing Agents, Tolerability and Bioavailability, Clinical Trial Reveals Modest Effects in 28 days, A More Comprehensive Approach, Tragedy of Delayed Weight Loss, References.

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