Testosterone Elite

Restore Youthful Testosterone Levels

A clinical study found that a plant extract blend increases free testosterone up to 48%, thus reversing its age-related decline.

Declining Free Testosterone, Dangers of Low Testosterone, Promising Plant Extracts, Boosting Testosterone in Men, How Luteolin Helps, Boost Testosterone for Better Health, Summary, References.

Boost Testosterone Without Drug

As men age, their testosterone tends to bind to a blood protein rendering the testosterone unavailable to cells throughout the body. A plant-based formula increased free testosterone by 48% in a human study.

Importance of Testosterone, “Free” and “Bound” Testosterone, Pomegranate and Cacao Raise Testosterone, Results from Human Studies, Boost Testosterone for Better Health, Luteolin Supports Testosterone Production, Summary, References.

How Low Testosterone Harms Men’s Health

Low testosterone in men increases age-related disease risk and death from any cause. Three plant-based nutrients have been shown to boost free testosterone blood levels.

Why Testosterone Is So Important, The Dangers of Low Testosterone, Sexual Function, Cognitive Decline, The Effects of Testosterone on Male Health, Depression, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity, Cardiovascular Disease, Osteoporosis, Pomegranate and Cacao Boost Testosterone, Summary, References.

Liberate Your Free Testosterone

Bioavailable testosterone declines with age, even in men with adequate total testosterone. A clinical trial found that a non-drug formula increased free testosterone levels by 48%, reducing male aging symptoms by 19%.

Understanding “Free” Testosterone, Impact of Low Testosterone, The Decline of Free and Total Testosterone, Impact of Low T in Aging Men, Advance in Boosting Total and Free Testosterone, My Experience with Natural Testosterone, Rapid Advances to Combat Aging, References.

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