Skin Restoring Ceramides

Sun Protection from the Inside Out

Research has identified oral compounds that provide additional protection against solar radiation. In a clinical study, one of these nutrients decreased UV-driven DNA mutations by 84%.

Ultraviolet Radiation and Skin Damage, Polypodium Leucotomos Shields Skin, Powerful Protection Against Sun Damage, Nicotinamide for Sun Protection, Defense with Red Orange, Summary, References.

Visible Wrinkle Reduction with Oral Plant Ceramides

In a human study, oral plant ceramides produced an 88% visible reduction of wrinkles and a 90% increase in hydration.

The Need to Replenish Ceramides, The Superiority of Oral Ceramides, Skin Rejuvenation, Why Aging Skin Needs Ceramides, Additional Findings, Ceramides and Dermatitis, Summary, References.

Plant Ceramides Clinically Reduce Wrinkles

In a clinical trial, oral plant ceramides produced an 88% visible reduction of wrinkles with a 90% increase in hydration.

Skin Regenerative Effects, How Ceramides Function, Skin Rejuvenation via Oral Supplementation: Clinical Proof, The Latest Clinical Findings, Summary, References.

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