Magnesium for Heart Health

Magnesium’s Role in Heart Health

Multiple studies reveal magnesium’s cardio-protective effects. One found that those with the highest magnesium levels had a 44% lower risk of heart failure. More than half of all Americans have low magnesium levels.

Hidden Danger of Low Magnesium, Correcting Arrhythmias, Fighting Endothelial Dysfunction, Preventing Heart Failure, The Cardiovascular Benefits of Magnesium, Reducing High Blood Pressure, Lowering Heart Attack and Stroke Risk, Combating Coronary Artery Disease, Summary, References.

How Magnesium Lowers Cardiovascular Disease Risk

Studies continue to show that boosting magnesium levels can lower blood pressure, promote arterial relaxation, fight arterial calcification, and improve endothelial function. Most Americans are magnesium deficient.

Low Magnesium Increases Heart Disease Risk, What Animal Studies Show, Results of Human Studies, A Summary of Magnesium’s Effects on Cardiovascular Health, Summary, References.

Magnesium Deficit and Hypertension

In the U.S., more than 63% of people do not ingest enough magnesium to meet minimum daily requirements. New research shows how insufficient magnesium intake contributes to the hypertension epidemic afflicting aging adults.

Hypertension Causes Heart Disease, How Low Magnesium Leads to Hypertension, What Human Studies Reveal, Summary, References.

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