Florassist® Oral Hygiene

Protect Gum Tissue with Beneficial Bacteria

Daily brushing and flossing may not be enough to prevent gum disease. Two probiotics improve gum health and reduce oral plaque.

Gum Disease Threatens the Whole Body, Two Beneficial Bacteria Halt Gum Disease, Beneficial Effects, L. plantarum L-137 Fights Gum Disease, S. Salivarius Improves Oral Health, Beneficial Bacteria Promote Oral Health, Summary, References.

Link Between Gum Disease and Aging

Two oral probiotics boost gum health by rebalancing the oral microbiome to reduce plaque and bleeding gums.

Oral Bacteria Threaten Whole-Body Health, S. Salivarius M18, Lactobacillus Plantarum Strain L-137, Summary, References.

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