Ergothioneine for Aging

How Mushrooms Protect Against Aging

L-ergothioneine has been shown to promote healthy longevity via mechanisms that include reduced telomere shortening.

What is L-Ergothioneine?, Reduced Telomere Shortening, L-Ergothioneine’s Health Benefits, Protecting the Brain, Cardiovascular Health, Summary, References.

What’s in Mushrooms That Supports Healthy Aging?

Increased mushroom consumption has been found to lower mortality risk. A specific mushroom compound is associated with enhanced longevity, reduced telomere shortening, and DNA repair.

What is L-Ergothioneine?, Scientific Findings, Promising Studies, Defend Cells and Tissues Against Harm, Potential Mechanisms of Protection, Protecting Against DNA Damage, Maintaining Longer Telomeres, Summary, References.

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