Curcumin for Inflammation

Fighting Inflammation by Inhibiting NF-KB

Inhibiting a cellular protein complex called nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) helps prevent inflammation-driven aging as well as insulin resistance and arthritis. Several nutrients can safely block NF-kB to reduce systemic inflammation.

How NF-kB Promotes Inflammaging, NF-kB-Inhibiting Supplements, Curcumin: Grandfather of NF-kB Inhibitors, Fish Oil Fights Inflammation, Lipoic Acid and NAC Lower NF-kB Levels, Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Reishi Mushrooms, Other Plant Extracts That Inhibit NF-kB, Summary, References.

Ginger and Turmeric Roots

Natural compounds found in ginger and turmeric reduce inflammation that contributes to degenerative aging.

Inflammation Contributes to Aging, Plant-Based Solutions to Inflammation, Ginger: An Anti-Inflammatory Powerhouse, Turmeric: A Golden Anti-Inflammatory, Specific Conditions for which Ginger and Turmeric are Beneficial, Metabolic Disorders, Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke, Osteoarthritis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Cognitive Decline and Dementia, Cancer, Summary, References.

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