Cortisol-Stress Balance

Reduce Anxiety to Improve Health

Chronic stress can raise cortisol levels, leading to health issues. Researchers have identified specific plant extracts clinically shown to reduce elevated cortisol and feelings of anxiety.

When Excess Cortisol Makes You Sick, Plant-Based Solutions, Lychee-Green Tea Blend, Magnolia and Phellodendron Bark, Plant Extracts Combat Chronic Stress, Summary, References.

Elevated Cortisol Ages Skin and Hair

High cortisol levels can lead to hair loss and wrinkled skin. Certain plant extracts can safely lower elevated cortisol.

What is Cortisol?, Cortisol Production, Rapid Skin Aging, The Skin Microbiome, Plant Extracts Reduce Cortisol for Skin and Hair Health, Damaged Hair, Lowering Cortisol with Lychee-Green Tea, Healthier Skin and Hair, Bark Extracts Reduce Cortisol, Summary, References.

Stress Can Increase Infection Risk

Ongoing stress triggers high levels of cortisol, which can weaken immune function.

Stress Weakens Immune Function, Danger of Elevated Cortisol, Counter the Immune-Damaging Effects of Stress, Lychee-Green Tea Blend Lowers Cortisol, Reducing Stress-Induced Cortisol, Physically Induced Cortisol, Effects of Tree Bark Extracts, Summary, References.

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