Triple Action Blood Pressure

Add Five More Years with One Therapy

Huge numbers of heart attacks and strokes occur in those who fail to keep systolic blood pressure below 120-130 mmHg. One study shows total life expectancy to be 5 years longer in those who achieve optimal blood pressure control.

The Framingham Heart Study, Impact of Blood Pressure on Lifespans, Confirmatory Results From 2017 and 2019 Studies, Unprecedented Human Carnage, Refocusing Priorities, Easy Ways to Lower Blood Pressure.

Lower Blood Pressure Slashes Dementia Risk

New data confirms that elevated blood pressure damages not only the heart but also the brain. These findings make it imperative to achieve optimal blood pressure control to reduce cognitive decline and dementia risk.

Mainstream Medicine Wakes Up to Blood Pressure Risks, Impact of Blood Pressure on Cognition, Lower Blood Pressure Slows Brain Lesions, Summary, References.

Around-the-Clock Blood-Pressure Control

In about 35% of adults with hypertension, blood pressure does not fall at night as it should. Researchers have identified ways to lower blood pressure day and night for around-the-clock protection.

New Hypertension Guidelines, The Silent Dangers of Hypertension, Nighttime Dangers, Blood-Pressure Basics, Solutions for High Blood Pressure, Angiotensin-Blocking Flavonoids, Human Studies, Calcium Channel-Blocking Stevioside, Around-the-Clock Protection With Melatonin, Summary, References.

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