Bloat Relief

Bloated? Get Relief

Four plant compounds have been shown to relieve after-meal bloating and other GI disturbances.

Decreased Bloating, Improved Digestive Symptoms, Summary, References.

Powerful Defense Against Bloating and Indigestion

Four clinically tested plant compounds relieve bloating and improve digestion.

What Causes Bloating?, Fennel-Curcumin Relieves Pain and Gas, Easing Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Artichoke-Ginger Mix Aids Digestion, Relief for Post-Meal Problems, Summary, References.

Thwart Post-Meal Bloating and Indigestion

Up to 30% of people complain of after-meal bloating and related discomforts. Researchers have identified plant compounds that target the underlying causes. Clinical studies show they can help prevent gastrointestinal distress.

The Causes of Bloating, Artichoke and Ginger, Human Trials, Fennel Seed and Curcumin Relieve Pain and Gas, Relief for Post-Meal Problems, Clinically Effective, Summary, References.

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