Fish Oil for Heart Health

Fish Oil and Heart Attack Risk

Meta-analyses find that fish oil is associated with reduced risks of cardiac-related events.

How Fish Oil Prevents Heart Disease, Observational Studies, Results from Clinical Studies, Boosting the Benefits of Fish Oil, Omega-3s Promote Heart Health, Olive Extract, Summary, References.

How Fish Oil Prevents Heart Disease, Observational Studies, Results from Clinical Studies, Boosting the Benefits of Fish Oil, Omega-3s Promote Heart Health, Olive Extract, Sesame Seeds, Summary, References.

Fish Oil and Triglyceride Control

The Mayo Clinic Proceedings links higher EPA and DHA intake to a 35% lower risk of fatal heart attacks. Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA/DHA) reduce high triglycerides and provide additional cardiovascular benefits.

Why Triglycerides Matter, How Fish Oil Lowers Triglycerides, Fish Oil for Prevention, Optimal Triglyceride Control with Fish Oil, Triglycerides in Obesity, Benefits in Other Conditions, Fish Oil with Statins, Summary, References.

Fish Oil Fights Metabolic Syndrome

Nearly half of Americans over 60 have metabolic syndrome. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil can decrease risk and reverse certain aspects of metabolic syndrome.

The Meaning of Metabolic Syndrome, Combating Metabolic Syndrome, Fighting Obesity and Inflammation, Targeting Insulin Resistance, A Metabolic Syndrome Solution from the Sea, Omega-3 Reduces Cardiovascular Disease, Protecting the Heart, Maximizing the Benefits of Fish Oil, Summary, References.

Enhancing the Benefits of Fish Oil

Followers of the Mediterranean diet have lower rates of cardiovascular disease, neurological disorders, cancer, bone loss, and overall mortality. Scientists combined key components of this healthy diet into a fish oil concentrate with olive extract and sesame lignans.

Lifesaving Effects of Fish Oil, Olive Extract, Combining Fish Oil, Olive Polyphenols, and Sesame Lignans, Unique Power of Sesame Seeds, Omega-3 Supplementation Reduces Cardiovascular Disease Death, Summary, References.

Are We Reaching Consensus About Fish Oil?

The medical profession and FDA are recognizing the role of fish oil in reducing cardiovascular risks. Consumers have the option of fish oil prescription drugs or low-cost supplements. An omega-3 index blood test can enable people to optimize individual dosing of fish oil.

Challenging FDA’s Restricted Health Claim, FDA Partially Capitulates, FDA Suffers Major Defeat in Federal Court, Battling the Medical Mainstream, Is A Consensus Being Reached?, Overlooked Role of Dietary Omega-3s, How This Impacts You, Life Extension’s Position on Fish Oil Dosing, Common-Sense Approaches, Too Many Needless Heart Attacks, References.

Fish Oil Prevents Heart Disease by Reducing Adhesion Molecules

Adhesion molecules are a contributing factor to atherosclerosis and heart disease. Fish oil can reduce adhesion molecules by up to 28%.

How Adhesion Molecules Form Plaque, Fish Oil Reduces Adhesion Molecules, Multiple Effects of Omega-3s, Summary, References.

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