Arterial Protect

Reduce Atherosclerotic Risk

New human data further validate how two plant extracts can slow and reverse atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis and Cardiovascular Disease, Two Plant Extracts That Help, Fighting Atherosclerosis, Stabilizing Plaques, Protecting Stented Arteries, New Studies Published in 2020, Summary, References.

Reversal of Calcification and Atherosclerosis

In addition to new published studies, a cardiologist observes reduced arterial plaque in patients taking two plant extracts.

Summary: Atherosclerosis and heart health, My Clinical Practice, The Evidence Mounts, Pine Bark – Centella Extracts in Practice, Preventing Arterial Plaque Progression, Reducing and Reversing Plaque Progression, Decrease of Coronary Artery Calcification, Testing in Patients with Stents, Summary, Conclusion: Lifestyle and atherosclerosis, References.

Why Many People May Not Need Aspirin Today

The FDA approved low-dose aspirin in 1998 to prevent platelet clumping in high-risk heart patients. Recent studies show that aspirin may not be needed to reduce heart attack/stroke risk in today’s healthier American population groups. Low-risk adults who control their vascular risk factors may no longer need the anti-thrombotic and anti-inflammatory effects of daily low-dose aspirin.

What Has Changed Today?, Nutrients That Impede Platelet Aggregation, Blood Pressure and Platelet Aggregation, Lipids and Blood Pressure, Who Should Take Aspirin?, What Should You Do?, References.

50 Years of Consistent Findings

Pine bark extract provides a concentrated mixture of procyanidins that have been shown to reduce risk of a host of vascular and inflammatory related conditions. New applications are being reported in the medical literature each year.

Inflammation, Allergy, & Asthma, The Metabolic Syndrome Pandemic, Cardiovascular Disease, An Array of Health Benefits, Summary, References.

Impede Arterial Plaque Accumulation

Two plant extracts can reduce arterial plaque progression by 95% while promoting plaque stability to lessen the risk of acute arterial occlusion.

French Maritime Pine Bark Extract Blocks Plaque, French Maritime Pine Bark Documented in Controlled Clinical Studies, Centella asiatica Demonstrated to Stabilize Existing Plaques, Clinical Effects of Dual-Compound Supplement, Further Clinical Validation, Summary, References.

Reduce Your Risk of Arterial Stiffness

Arterial stiffness occurs when arteries lose youthful suppleness. This loss of arterial elasticity is a powerful predictor of mortality. Human studies show that vitamins D and K inhibit arterial calcification and stiffening.

The Dangers of Arterial Stiffness, Causes of Arterial Stiffening, Putting Calcium in its Place, Vitamin D: Contributor to Arterial Suppleness, Clinical Trials Show Dramatic Improvements, Teflon for your Arteries, Benefits of Vitamin K, Summary, References.

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