Pomegranate Complete for Cancer

Pomegranate and Cancer

Compounds found in pomegranate have been shown to help prevent the development and spread of malignant cells in lab studies. While more research is needed, these findings indicate additional benefits from pomegranate that extend beyond heart health.

Cancer Prevention, How Pomegranate Fights Cancer, Pomegranate and Prostate Cancer, Animal Studies, Human Studies, Pomegranate and Breast Cancer, Additional Anti-Cancer Effects, Summary, References.

Pomegranate Thwarts Cancer on Multiple Levels

Pomegranate is rich in bioactive compounds that may reduce cancer risk via several well-established mechanisms.

Pomegranate’s Multiple Anti-Cancer Actions, A Potent Cancer Blocker, Pomegranate Slows Prostate Cancer Growth, Protection Against Breast Cancer, Early Promise in Colorectal Cancer Prevention, Lung Cancer, Summary, References.

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