Homocysteine Resist

Lower Homocysteine To Slow Brain Aging

High homocysteine blood levels contribute to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other forms of dementia. The solution is a simple blood test and adding more bio-active B-vitamins if homocysteine is elevated.

Homocysteine and Degenerative Brain Aging, Fighting Back Against Brain Aging, How Homocysteine Speeds Brain Aging, Homocysteine and Heart Disease, Lowering Homocysteine Levels, Homocysteine-Lowering Nutrients, Summary, References.

Homocysteine and Hearing Loss

Recent studies indicate that hearing loss involves damage to brain cells that support hearing—and that elevated homocysteine contributes to this loss. Low-cost B vitamins combat the dangers of high homocysteine and may help prevent age-related hearing loss.

An Unexpected Cause of Hearing Loss, Anatomy of Hearing, The Homocysteine/Folate Connection, Mysterious Epidemic Causes Hearing Loss, Folate Reverses Hearing Loss, Summary, References.

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