
Lithium Extends Lifespan and Slows Brain Aging

Lithium may slow degenerative processes by inhibiting an age-accelerating enzyme in the brain and other organs.

What is Lithium?, Lithium and the ‘Age-Accelerating Enzyme’, Boosting Longevity, Protecting the Brain, Mechanisms of Neuroprotection, Lithium’s Brain and Body Benefits, Summary, References.

Lithium and Alzheimer’s Risk

Low doses of the mineral lithium may slow progression of Alzheimer’s and other forms of neurodegeneration.

Where Lithium Comes From, Lower Rates of Dementia, How Lithium Protects the Brain, Human Studies, Lithium Protects the Brain, Summary, References.

Anti-Aging Effects of Lithium

By inhibiting the enzyme GSK-3, lithium can promote longevity, slow brain aging, and improve health parameters.

Brief History of Lithium, Slowing Aging, Lithium May Extend Longevity, The Wide-Ranging Benefits of Lithium, Lithium and the Brain, Other Biological Effects, Summary, References.

Lithium: Dietary Supplement of Year 2020

Lithium supports telomere length and healthy DNA, and slows brain aging at ultra-low cost.

Prevent Cognitive Decline and Extend Longevity, What I Discovered During Live Presentations, References.

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