Fish Oil for Aging

Life-Expectancy Impact of Fish Oil

Higher omega-3 levels correlate with greater human longevity. Flavored, chewable, fish oil gummies make it easy to obtain.

Beyond Heart Health, Fish Consumption and Lifespan, Longevity Benefits for High-Risk Patients, Longevity Benefits in the General Population, Lifespan Increase in Laboratory Model, A New Form of Longevity-Promoting Fish Oil, Brain, Insulin Resistance, Sarcopenia, A Fish Oil-Longevity Explanation, Low Fish Oil Intake Shortens Life Similar to Smoking, Alternative to Softgels, Summary, References.

Higher Omega-3 Blood Levels Add Healthy Years

A 2021 study found people with higher omega-3 blood levels live 4.7 years longer. Other studies link higher omega-3s to a 34% lower all-cause mortality risk.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Diet, New Findings About Fish Oil and Lifespan, Whole-Body Health, Omega-3s Promote a Longer, Healthier Life, Metabolic Health, Brain Health, Mental Health, Chronic Inflammation, Summary, References.

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