Senolytic Activator®

Senescent Cells and Brain Aging

Senescent cells in the brain impair neurological function. Senolytic compounds can reduce the senescent cell burden.

How Senescent Cells Cause Disease, Cellular Senescence and the Brain, How Senolytics Protect the Brain, Senolytic Approaches, Summary, References.

What is Delaying Senolytics?

Exciting data about the ability of senolytics to delay and reverse aging processes continue to emerge. Yet bureaucratic barriers are impeding rapid clinical trials of senolytic compounds that function to selectively remove toxic senescent cells.

Senolytic Properties of Fisetin, Government Impedes Human Research, Congress Needs to Amend Regulations, References.

Dr. James Kirkland: The Senolytics Revolution

Research by Dr. James Kirkland and his Mayo Clinic team on senolytics aims to reverse age-related diseases and increase human lifespans.

Senescent Cells, Dangers of Senescence, Senolytics, Daunting Roadblocks, The Promise of Senolytics, Summary, References.

Senolytics: A Major Anti-Aging Advance

Senescent cells emit toxic factors that destroy healthy cells. A multi-pronged approach targets senescent cells so they can be safely removed from the body.

Senescent Cells and Aging, Senolytics to the Rescue, Fisetin: Today’s Ultimate Senolytic, Other Benefits of Fisetin, Removing Senescent Cells for Better Health, The Power of Quercetin, Boosting Quercetin’s Effects, Targeting Toxic Secretions Emitted by Senescent Cells, Summary, References.

Senolytics for Longer Life

Dr. Alan S. Green explains his therapeutic treatment against aging that includes metformin, rapamycin, fisetin, quercetin, and dasatinib.

Senolytics Offer New Hope for Heart Failure

A senolytic cocktail eliminated harmful senescent cells, promoting cardiac progenitor cells that may help the heart heal itself.

Senescent Cells Damage the Heart, Senolytics Slow Aging and Fight Disease, The First Human Study, Dasatinib and Quercetin in Heart Failure, Urgent Need for Clinical Trials, Summary, References.

Suppress Toxic Senescent Cell Secretions

Senescent cell accumulation is a contributor to systemic aging. Natural plant extracts can help reduce the senescent cell burden and lower the harmful compounds they emit.

Senolytics Remove Senescent Cells, A New Senolytic Triple Therapy, Plant-Based Senolytics, Toxic Secretions Emitted by Senescent Cells, Why Senescent Cell Removal is not Enough, A Triple-Action Senolytic Approach, Summary, References.

A New Cardiovascular Threat: Ionizing Radiation

CT scans emit ionizing radiation that forms senescent cells in the linings of arteries, increasing cardiovascular risks.

Cancer, Apoptosis, or Senescence, Deadly Impact of Senescent Cells, Threat to Cardiovascular HealthArterial Damage and Blockage, Even Modest Doses Concerning, Avoid Unnecessary Radiation Exposure, Summary, References.

Combat Aging by Reducing the Senescent Cell Burden

New studies confirm how senescent cells accelerate old-age decline. Prestigious journals reveal marked regenerative improvements when senolytics are used to reduce the senescent cell burden.

Senolytics Eliminate Senescent Cells, The First Human Senolytics Study, Senolytics and Age-Related Heart Disease, Senolytics as Treatment for Alzheimer’s, Plant-Based Senolytics, Summary, References.

JAMA Reports on Senescent Cell Removal

The Journal of the American Medical Association reports that “Targeting senescent cells may arrest or reverse Alzheimer’s and related neurodegenerative diseases.” They further state, “If senolytics are shown to be safe and effective in humans, they could transform care of older adults and patients with multiple chronic diseases.” Two plant-based extracts with senolytic action, taken once a week, can remove senescent cells from the body.

Senescent Cells: A Root of Aging, Senolytics: A Major Anti-Aging Advance, Targeting Senescent Cells, The Senolytic Effect, Senolytics and Dementia, Systemic Reversal of Aging Pathologies, Supercharged Quercetin, Black Tea Theaflavins, Summary, References.

Major Advance in Healthy Longevity: Senolytics

Researchers at the Mayo Clinic discovered that many age-related afflictions can be reversed by eliminating senescent cells using senolytic compounds. Life Extension® scientists identified two plant-based ingredients with senolytic activity that cost less than $7 a month.

Deadly Impact of Zombie-like Cells, Cell Senescence and Aging, What Are Senolytics?, How Do Senolytics Work?, Quercetin: A Plant-Based Senolytic, Enhancing Quercetin’s Effects, Summary, References.

Removal of Senescent Cells “Might Transform Medicine”

In a startling discovery published in July 2018, old animals lived 36% longer and regained physical function when senescent cells were removed. Senescent cells accumulate in humans and secrete toxic inflammatory factors. Scientists proclaim this senescent cell-removing technique “might transform medicine as we know it.”

Why Senescent Cells Accumulate, An Old Problem with New Solutions, Remarkable Results, Favorable Media Coverage, Practical Senolytic Approaches, How to Purge Senescent Cells Today, References.

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