Blood Test Panel Articles

As We See It: Why We Test Insulin Blood Levels

Excess insulin can hide a smoldering diabetic condition by temporarily suppressing glucose and A1c. If insulin blood levels are elevated, correctable actions can be taken before serious illnesses manifest.

Need for Early Intervention, Kidney Damage, Hyperinsulinemia and Cancer, Cancer, Why the controversy?, What you can do today!, References.

Atherosclerosis in Sweden: Implications for Americans

A study found that 42% of Swedish study subjects without known heart disease had detectable atherosclerosis. Americans have even greater vascular risks. Low-cost blood tests can detect risk factors for atherosclerosis before major cardiovascular events strike.

Atherosclerosis in Ancient Cultures, Modern Era Atherosclerosis, Why Is Atherosclerosis So Common?, What Can You Do About It?, Annual Blood Test Sale, References.

Worst Mistake Made by Longevity Enthusiasts

Readers of Life Extension Magazine® are dedicated health enthusiasts, but too many are making a mistake that results in tragic outcomes. Observations made over a 45-year period reveal easy steps to protect against common degenerative disorders, including type II diabetes.

It’s Nearly as Bad Today, You Don’t Get to Pick and Choose, Comprehensive Blood Tests at Discount Prices, References.

When a Curable Virus Turns into Cancer

Hepatitis C is a major cause of liver cancer and liver failure. A simple blood test provides early warning against this silent disease. Newer hepatitis C drugs have cure rates over 95%.

Who Is Contracting Hepatitis C?, Hepatitis C Drug Therapies, Importance of Early Detection, Our Battle to Get Ribavirin Approved, Today’s System Needs Radical Reform, Blood Tests Identify Reversible Cancer Risks, Lab Test Super Sale, References.

Heart Attack Makes Deadly Comeback

Cardiovascular deaths are rising due to surging rates of obesity and diabetes. Comprehensive blood tests can identify risk factors before the onset of irreversible disease.

A Resurgence of Cardiovascular Disease, A Ticking Time Bomb, Obesity Surges, Simple Steps Yield Huge Benefits, Critical Need of Comprehensive Therapy, What About Obese Individuals?, Too Many Needless Deaths, Annual Lab Test Sale, References.

Blood Tests to Better Predict Cardiovascular Risk

Doctors rely on basic lipid profiles to determine heart attack risk, but more precise blood tests can better pinpoint cardiovascular vulnerability.

Doctors Fail to Test Critical Factors, NMR LipoProfile®, Oxidized LDL Test, Assessing Vascular Inflammation, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Apolipoprotein B, Other Heart-Disease-Related Blood Tests, Interpreting Your Results, Summary, References.

When Does Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease?

New human trials show long-term reductions in cardiovascular and all-cause mortality when elevated LDL cholesterol is reduced. On the flip side are data suggesting that statin drugs can be risky for heart failure patients. Learn safer ways to lower blood lipids.

Why the Debate?, The Statin Drug Dilemma, Practical Solutions, Lower Dose Statin + CoQ10, CoQ10 Blood Levels, Statin-Induced Cardiac Toxicity, Landmark Findings on Heart Failure Patients, Aging and Cardiovascular Disease, Tell Your Doctor You Do Not Accept “Normal Aging”, References.

The Most Important Annual Blood Tests

Annual blood tests can uncover smoldering risk factors before they manifest into clinically relevant disease.

Hidden Benefits of Blood Tests, 1. Chemistry Panel, Complete Blood Count (CBC), and Lipid Panel, 2. Fasting Insulin, 3. Hemoglobin A1c, 4. DHEA, 5. Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) for Men, 6. Homocysteine, 7. C-Reactive Protein, 8. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, 9. Testosterone (Free and Total), 10. Estradiol and Progesterone, 11. Apolipoprotein B100, 12. Vitamin D, 13. Magnesium, The Benefits of Blood Tests, Summary, References.

Resurgence of Diabetes Complications

The increase in healthy longevity of Americans is deteriorating in people with less-than-optimal glucose control. Low-cost blood tests can identify glucose problems prior to outward manifestation of diabetic complications such as neuropathy, kidney failure, and heart attack.

Sky-High Obesity Prevalence, Stagnation in Preventive Care, High “Normal” Glucose, Unpredictable Health Care Coverage, What’s Behind the Resurgence?, Free-Market Solutions, Annual Lab Test Sale, References.

Mohr Results

Celebrated nutrition and fitness expert Chris Mohr, PhD, RD, stresses exercise, a Mediterranean diet, and blood tests to know what’s going on inside your body, for overall fitness as you age.

Transforming Lives, More Movement, Lessons from the Blue Zones, The Key to Lasting Change, Taking a Peek Inside Your Body, Targeted Health Advice, Getting the Most Out of Life.

Why Blood Tests Are Not Saving More Lives

Low blood levels of a cholesterol surface particle called apolipoprotein B have been shown to decrease risk of coronary artery disease by 90%. Another study showed regression of arterial plaque when apolipoprotein B is reduced. Find out easy steps to reduce your apolipoprotein B levels. (The popular Male and Female Blood Test Panels include apolipoprotein B and other reversible vascular risk factors.)

Role of Lipoproteins, Eat Walnuts, Avoid Sugar, Exercise Training, Importance of Sleep, Thyroid Hormones and Lipoproteins, Effects of Fish Oil, Acute Risk of Excess Apolipoprotein B, Drugs That Lower Apolipoprotein B, Apolipoprotein B and Fasting Insulin—No Added Cost!, Annual Lab Test Super Sale, References.

Tragedy of Delayed Prevention

Even slightly elevated blood glucose or hemoglobin A1c damages the heart, brain and kidneys, while increasing the risk of stroke, cancer, and type II diabetes. Comprehensive annual blood testing can detect elevated glycemic markers that are reversible.

Nerve Damage Starts Early, Keep Your Heart From “Shrinking”, Higher Blood Sugar Increases Atrial Fibrillation Risk, Impaired Cardiac Fitness, Recognizing “Prediabetic” Risks, Prediabetes and Hypertension, Excess Insulin Can Cover Up Glycemic Control Problems, How to Lower Elevated Insulin, Hemoglobin A1c Blood Level and Stroke Risk, Tragedy of Delayed Prevention, Annual Blood Test Super Sale, References.

Cholesterol Crystals: The Neglected Heart Attack Risk Factor

Cardiologist Michael Ozner, MD, explains how dangerous cholesterol crystals are formed deep inside arterial plaque and how research into omega-3 fatty acids and new medications may cut the risk of these crystals triggering a major cardiac event.


Dr. Ozner’s Approach to Heart Disease Prevention

Leading preventive cardiologist Michael Ozner, M.D., believes we can now tame killer heart disease through healthy lifestyle, targeted blood testing and innovative medications.

It’s the Lipoproteins, Proven Ways to Stabilize and Shrink Arterial Plaque, The Importance of Proper Blood Testing, When Lifestyle Isn’t Enough, PCSK9 Inhibitors, Inclisiran, Ezetimibe, Bempedoic Acid, Canakinumab, Summary, References.

The Harsh Penalty for Willful Ignorance

Improvements in prevention and treatment are slashing rates of heart attack caused by coronary artery blockage. More innovative blood tests enable maturing individuals to take corrective actions before vascular-related illnesses manifest.

Pioneer of Modern Cardiology, Role of Nathan Pritikin, Improved Heart Attack Prevention, Danger of Elevated Apolipoprotein B, Check Your Apolipoprotein B at No Added Cost!, How Blood Tests Are Saving Lives, Annual Lab Test Super Sale, Summary, References.

Is Mainstream Medicine Finally Waking Up?

Last year, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reported a 50% decline in cardiovascular disease deaths from 1980 to 2014. JAMA editors recommended prevention strategies (including blood tests) that have long been advocated by Life Extension® and other health publications.

Unity of Mainstream and Natural Medicine, Needless Heart Attacks, Heart Attacks Used To Be More Common, It Begins With Blood Tests…, Annual Lab Test Super Sale, References.

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