Breast Health Formula

Stop the Breast Cancer Epidemic

Each year, more than 300,000 American women are diagnosed with breast cancer and approximately 40,000 die from metastatic diseases. Lifestyle factors can greatly decrease cancer risk. Synthetic hormone drugs that long ago showed serious side effects continue to be widely prescribed. For women suffering menopausal issues who don’t want to apply estrogen drugs, or can’t find a doctor to prescribe bioidentical estrogen, a new plant extract has shown remarkable benefits in human studies.

The Estrogen Dilemma, Evidence From 2002-2017, Specific Synthetic Progestogens Implicated, Mammogram Density Change with Estrogen-Progestin Drugs, Menopausal Hormone Therapy and Reproductive Cancer Risk, Obesity-Associated Breast Cancer, Role of Alcohol and Other Lifestyle Factors, How to Neutralize Deadly Estrogen Metabolites, What Should Hormone-Deprived Women Do?, Summary, References.

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