AMPK for Weight Loss

Activate Your Fat Burning Enzyme!

Studies show that G. pentaphyllum and hesperidin help activate the AMPK enzyme inside cells, slashing abdominal fat.

What is AMPK?, Enhanced Gynostemma, Losing Belly and Body Fat, Get Help Burning Belly Fat, Fat-Fighting Hesperidin, Summary, References.

Curb Hunger and Burn Fat

Lemon verbena combined with hibiscus flowers can reduce hunger signals and promote satiety. In a clinical trial these two plant extracts decreased hunger by 56.4% and decreased weight by 5.4%.

Why Weight Loss Is So Hard, Lemon Verbena and Hibiscus, Curbing Appetite, Controlling Calorie Intake, Herbal Appetite Control for Weight Loss, Trimmer Waistlines, Summary, References.

AMPK and Belly Fat

Human studies show that two plant compounds can increase AMPK activation and reduce belly fat.

What Is AMPK?, Reducing Belly Fat, Increased Longevity, Impact on Aging Factors, Burn Belly Fat and Slow Aging, Gynostemma Activates AMPK, Results from a Clinical Trial, Hesperidin Decreases Belly Fat, Anti-Obesity Effects, Summary, References.

Health Benefits of Modest Weight Loss

Millions of Americans will make a resolution to lose weight. When large amounts of fat pounds are not quickly shed, many lose hope and resume unhealthy eating patterns. Few realize the remarkable benefits that occur in response to just 5%-10% loss of body weight. Multi-modal approaches can enable this to work.

DHEA and 7-Keto DHEA, Modest Effects of Green Tea, Intermittent Fasting, Reducing Fasting Insulin, How I Time Restrict on Most Days, Nutrients That Mimic Calorie Restriction, Manage Your Expectations, References.

Nutrients that Provide Benefits of Caloric Restriction

Caloric restriction extends healthy lifespans. Researchers have identified plant-derived compounds that activate similar cellular responses.

How Caloric Restriction Prolongs Life, Caloric Restriction and Intermittent Fasting “Mimetics”, 1. Boosting Sirtuin Function, 2. Activating AMPK, 3. Decreasing mTOR Activity, 4. Preventing Cellular Senescence, 5. Enhancing Autophagy, The Benefits of Caloric Restriction Without Fasting, Summary, References.

The Rising Rate of Obesity and its Consequences

Obesity is now responsible for about 20% of deaths in the United States. By year 2030, nearly half of all Americans will be clinically obese. Mediterranean-style diets and other strategies are urgently needed to reduce body fat mass.

The situation is projected to worsen, Medical Definition of Obesity, Foods that Kill, Living 10 Years Longer, The Effects of Diet Soda vs. Regular Soda, Being Overweight or Underweight is Not Healthy, The Dangers of Obesity, An Optimal Diet, Additional Negative Effects of Excess Weight, Compounds that Aid in Weight Loss, Summary, References.

The Switch

In his book, The Switch, and in his interview, James Clement outlines how to activate your body’s metabolic switch to boost weight loss, cut disease risk, and slow aging.

Growing Older and Healthier the CR Way®: Wonderful Possibilities!

Case histories of people following dietary reduction programs reveal remarkable systemic benefits, including optimizing blood glucose and blood pressure. A new program enables one to improve overall biochemistry by altering their dietary patterns.

Mediocre Results in my 40s, “No!” to Age-Related Decline, Longitudinal Studies?, CR Way Secrets to Extraordinary Health, Lowering mTOR, mTOR Activity Accelerates Aging, Role of AMPK in Cell Energy Metabolism, Metabolic Changes in Response to Healthier Eating Patterns, Begin with Glucose Control, Growing Older: Wonderful Possibilities, References.

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