Hair, Skin & Nails

Fight Back Against Visible Signs of Aging

Oral ingestion of collagen peptides, solubilized keratin, and other nutrients helps restore skin, hair, and nails.

A Keratin Breakthrough, Clinical Keratin Studies, Collagen’s Vital Role, Collagen’s Clinical Benefits, Biotin For Better Nails, Healthier Skin, Hair, and Nails, Silicon, Summary, References.

How to Accelerate Skin Aging

Exposure to cigarette smoke and ultraviolet radiation degrades the collagen needed to support young-looking skin. Aging itself causes gradual collagen wasting, resulting in outer wrinkling. Maturing individuals may have only half the skin collagen they did at age 18. There are several validated ways to maintain and restore collagen, which is critical for underlying skin support.

A Novel Solution, Control Skin Aging, References.

How Plant Extracts Can Protect Against Photoaging and Skin Cancer

A fern extract and other nutrients help block UV-damage to skin cells and support DNA repair.

Sun Exposure Destroys Skin Cells, Blocking Sun-Damage Mechanisms, Anti-Aging Effects, Human Clinical Trial, Additional UV Protection, A Third Pillar of Sun Defense, Summary, References.

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